The ongoing war in southern Lebanon and Beqaa has created a distressing environment for children, who are increasingly exposed to violence and fear. In response to this situation, a two-phase summer camp was organized to provide children with activities that restore their childhood and offer a respite from violence and fear. The first phase of the camp was successful, leading to high demand for a second phase. Observations from the first phase revealed that many children exhibited aggression, fear, and isolation, prompting the decision to extend the duration of the second phase.
The first phase held in the most affected areas of Beqaa and the South of Lebanon, where children were in urgent need of entertainment and relief. Observations from the initial phase revealed that many children exhibited aggression, fear, and isolation, prompting an extension of the second phase's duration. The second phase expanded to include Beirut and North and South Lebanon. A total of 843 children from Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon participated in both phase, which included recreational activities like cinema and swimming, as well as educational activities such as Lego building and first-aid sessions.