Our Mission

Our Vision

Fingerprint of Change organization believes in the importance of empowering individuals, to play a role in leading the process of development and social change.

Our Mission

Empowering individuals in a way to participate in the development of the social status of citizens, particularly the most vulnerable.

Our focus is on children, young people and women in the pedagogical and development areas (in the areas of Beirut, Beqaa, North and South), which includes:

Learning opportunities, psychosocial support through art and sport, social cohesion and health and legal support, in addition to the food security programs, relief and our intervention in cases of emergency. Thus, contributing in enhancing their skills and making them factors of change in their local communities.

The organization works as well with individuals with special needs to enhance their involvement and reintegration in their local communities, particularly, under the difficult circumstances they encounter in their communities where their mental and physical needs are not taken into consideration.

Our work involves working with migrant domestic workers, providing them with legal support, acquiring their papers from Lebanese official entities, and facilitating their return to their home country.


  • Empowering the most vulnerable individuals to become factors of change in their local communities; 
  • Bridge the social gaps that hinder access of the least fortunate Palestinian Syrian Iraqi Sudanese… refugees living in Lebanon and Lebanese citizens to their basic human needs.
  • Seek to respond to the needs of the vulnerable communities;
  • Provide capacity building for women and youth to enhance improve and develop their roles within their local communities;
  • Develop programs anchored and based on Community Capital;
  • Enhance social cohesion between the host and displaced communities;
  • Create learning opportunities using active learning methods.

Our area of interventions

Fingerprint of Change works in several sectors aiming at empowering Lebanese and refugees’ women, youth, and children, on a national level. The organization encourages as well young people to participate in peacemaking and as drivers of change and development in their communities.

Fingerprint of Change staff members are mostly from the communities they serve by implementing programs in the fields of:

Culture and Education Program: Education is at the center of our work. Our objective is to participate in the enhancement of the accessibility of high-quality, inclusive, and secure education for the vulnerable.

Through culture, psychosocial components, art creation, sports, and education, we provide support for children, youth, and women.

The education program includes preparing children in the areas of Beirut, Beqaa, North and South, for enrolment in basic education, and other non-formal education such as basic literacy and numeracy classes, that we use as an engaging tool. Furthermore, we promote peacebuilding, health and safety, gender equality, and human rights by raising awareness of various social issues.

The cultural and education program is linked with other sectors, including Child Protection and Livelihoods. In addition, we work to integrate socio-emotional learning components to enhance the wellbeing of our beneficiaries.

Food Security program: Getting involved in the fight against hunger is an urgent matter for us. We distribute cooked meals, dry food parcels, and a food pantry called Mouneh. We provide food to those in need in of Beirut, Beqaa, North and South and we aim to contribute in boosting the economy in the areas of our intervention (. Our ingredients are purchased locally.

The cooks and delivery personnel working in this project are from the local communities, we give priority to women and youth empowering, and facilitating job creation. We give a special attention to hygiene, by providing in the parcels distributed different bodies nutrients needs, and during Ramadan we distribute fresh and hot meals on iftar time. However, our primary goal is to respect the dignity of our beneficiaries. We implement the food project all over the year, but also, we are keen to implement the food projects during Ramadan.

Health program: Our objective is to be a part of the process of overcoming the issues in the health sector, that begin with the inability of many families to take their children to the doctor, to buy drugs, and to conduct tests or medical imaging. We implement healthcare days, by taking doctors and nurses to examine children in the areas of our intervention. So, we provide health services like delivering medicine drugs, medical supplies, and hygiene items supporting essential health services to families in need across the country. In addition, we provide health education and awareness courses and sessions across the country.

Legal assistance program: We support all vulnerable person, from different nationalities and backgrounds …., so we target the migrant domestic workers all over Lebanon. We outreach single mothers, homeless workers, and the ones in prison. We visit the inmates; and link them to lawyer and follow up with them until finalizing any case / claim against them in the courts.

We provide them with all necessities (like food, clothes, personal hygiene items…). We support them with immigrated-related matters; providing the necessary documents they need from the relevant General security offices, then we accompany them to the airport until the plane gate, in order to protect them from any discrimination, and to ensure they take the plan back home. We covering payment for any requested medical tests (ex. PCR), and General security-related payments.

Livelihoods program: We aims to empower women and youth to develop soft and specialized skills that will allow them to develop skills that can be useful in any present work or any possible future work they undertake generate income, and become more financially secure.

Fingerprint of change is keen on employing people from the communities we serve, which gives them a chance to secure an income, to acquire and practice the knowledge they have, and to open up potential opportunities for them in the future.

Relief projects and Emergency Interventions: We carry out campaigns based on emerging needs, so we plan campaigns during emergencies (after an earthquake occurred in Turkey and Syria, we carried out a 48-hour campaign to collect what was needed, and delivered it in 3 trucks to the affected people in Syria).

In early winter we distribute heating materials (diesel, firewood), mattresses, blankets, jackets, shoes and socks…. especially in Beqaa and North areas that suffer from harsh conditions during the winter.

At the beginning of the school year, we distribute clothes, school bags, and stationery to children who join our educational sessions. During crisis, we distribute materials that are out from the market (bread, medicines, infant formula…). In addition, we distribute gifts to children during the holidays.